Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time to Myself!

Wow! Life sure changes when your youngest child enters kindergarten. I actually have time to play around on the computer. I can go shopping without having my kids in the dressing room with me asking if that thing I have on is called a boob holder. I can excercise without waiting for Lauren to come home. I can watch What Not to Wear instead of Sponge Bob. I can read a book at Starbucks. I can actually get the house cleaned up all at one time! I loved the preschool years, but I am definitely ready for this next stage that I am entering. Being a parent of young children is exhausting! I thought I might feel lonely when I was home alone, but my time gets filled up quickly.

Now that I work for Welcome Home Baby, and make home visits to 1st time moms, I have a normal person's schedule. No more weekends, nights, or holidays!! I miss some of the gals from the NICU, but I sure don't miss the stress! I work 2 1/2 days a week, which leaves me plenty of time to do my home stuff, and enjoy time to myself. I definitely feel like this job change is a blessing to me.

So, we will see how I do at this blogging thing. I am not the most computer savy person, but hey, we'll see what happens!



Michelle said...

Hi Amy! I decided to start a blog of my own since you did. :)

Since you've got all this time on your hands, you really should meet me down here for lunch soon!

kim said...

Yeah! Welcome to blogland! So happy that you've arrived!
You look like a knockout in your profile pic--you haven't changed at all:)
Thanks for writing about the school-years; you give me hope. This too shall pass.
Oh, and Myles calls them "boo boo holders" must be part of the "language of the child"
Good to hear from you--I'll be checking often, so keep it up!

Ruby said...

Hi Amy!
So glad to hear you're enjoying yourself! Makes me envious... but also hopeful for me too! Woo-Hoo! One more child to go and I'll be just like you! :o) Thanks for the encouragement! You're my hero!
E ya around!

Julie B said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, and reading yours, like others have said, gives me hope too! Lily is loving preschool, and I love M,W,F! Grace is still pretty easy, and she tags along pretty well. I'll look forward to checking up on you and your family. Say hi to Lauren for me!